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Comments from the family

From Ella-Kari Loftfield, grandaughter of Ella and Lewis Bradford, letter "To the Grandchildren of Lewis and Ella Bradford", December 7, 2003:

"Grandma . . . writes of their last morning together. He came up behind her and she laid her head in the crook of his neck where it "fit so naturally". Steve did not know about these diary entries when he wrote their love song, "I'm Here for You" but pay attention to the staging, and you'll see Ella put her head in the crook of Lewis' shoulder during one chorus. I hope it gives you the same goose-bumps it gave me."

"I love the show. I think it does a remarkable job showing the kind of struggle a person has to face when work that they feel a moral obligation to do may cause hardship for their family, or even endanger them. To me it is a universal story as told through the very focused lens of our grandparents. Throughout the show, the lyrics and music express this dynamic struggle, telling the story of many who have paid a price for standing up for their beliefs."

(Used with permission).

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